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Third Manitoba EOI draw- issued 444 invitations to apply for a provincial nomination for permanent residence

Manitoba issued new invitations to apply for a provincial nomination for permanent residence on February 15 to eligible skilled workers and international students who have expressed their interest in immigrating to the province. The draw was the province’s third of 2019 and issued 444 invitations to candidates in the Skilled Workers Overseas, Skilled Workers in Manitoba and International Education economic immigration streams.

Manitoba has now invited 1,526 immigration candidates to apply for a provincial nomination for permanent residence since the start of 2019. The majority of Manitoba’s economic immigration streams operate on an Expression of Interest (EOI) basis. The first step in this process is the creation and completion of an EOI profile that outlines a candidate’s education, work experience, proficiency in English or French, among other factors, and awards a score based on the information provided.

The highest-ranked candidates are then issued Letters of Advice to Apply (LAAs) for a provincial nomination for permanent residence through regular draws from the pool of eligible candidates for each stream.