The Skilled Worker categories operate through an ‘Expression of Interest’ system, whereby eligible candidates complete a series of questions online and receive a score based on the answers they provide. The highest-scoring candidates may be invited to submit an application to the MPNP. There are no limits on the number of candidates who can submit an Expression of Interest and no deadline.
There are two pathways to Manitoba as a skilled worker, both of which operate under the MPNP Expression of Interest System: the Skilled Worker in Manitoba Category and the Skilled Worker Overseas Category.
Under the Skilled Worker in Manitoba category, applications are accepted from qualified temporary foreign workers and international student graduates who are currently working in Manitoba and have been offered a permanent job with their Manitoba employer. Unlike the other connections to Manitoba in the MPNP, Skilled Workers in Manitoba are not subject to a points-based assessment to determine their eligibility. Candidates must meet the minimum requirements listed below to be entered into the Expression of Interest pool where they will be ranked according to a number of factors.
Minimum Requirements for Applicants
In order to be eligible under the Skilled Workers in Manitoba category of the MPNP, candidates must:
NOTE: A candidate who has graduated from a post-secondary program in a Canadian province other than Manitoba and who wants to apply to the MPNP under this category because he or she has been offered a job in Manitoba must first have been working for that Manitoba employer for at least one year in order to be eligible.
Additionally, employers making job offers must: